Monday 9 July 2012


assalamualaikum my dear, u sihat? i miss to talking to you, your laugh and your sarcastic moment. :')
Ash dah sampai sini, alhamdulillah :) what are you doing now? suasana dekat sini much better than KL, but rasa dia lain when i'm distance from you. i'm alone. heh like your sarcastic word, FOREVER ALONE. naww :') i kat sini baru je lepas habis pack2 barang, now nak tunggu orang lori tu letak barang2 rumah i, mama and papa risau je coz we all sampai dulu before the furniture came. YOLO! ;D ohh yeah, my mama and papa kirim salam rindu dekat u. ohh me get jealous, HAHA :D emm what to talk ehh, haaaa ada something kelakar i nak bagitau u, tadi time odw to here, we stop at perhentian mana tah, my phone hilang! god i'm crying you know? afraid if i'm lost contact with you, i bagitau mama and papa, mereka punya cuak lah mengalahkan i! hahaha, but after 1 hour like that, we found my phone back, ada dekat bawah sit kereta. LOLOLOL! mama and papa punya marah i lah, baik punya! nasib i bawak earphone, volume up! hahaha :D how's your day there? i'm watching Hancock! yeah our favorite movie aite? hee~ ohh ehh the LORI dah smpai, me gtg! daaa <3 *forehead kiss* x

p/s: please don't change your number, password and email. *muchlove*